Saturday, May 6, 2017

A. A Muslim's Legitimate Terms:

 1. Saying two Sentences of Creed

The two Sentences of the Creed

2. Praying Five Day Time
Salat is healthy

 3. Fasting in Ramadan
Waiting to break
 4. Pay Zakah
Various kinds of zakat
5. Hajj Hajj pilgrims
For the power
1. Definition of Tawheed Sciences

The definition of the science of monotheism is of three kinds:

    According to lughot or etymology (origin of words):
    العلم بانالشيئ واحد

    Meaning: Knowing that something is one.
    According to syar'an or terminology of religion (terms):
    علم يقتدر به على إثبات العقائد الدنية مكتسب من أدلتها اليقينية

    Meaning: Science that sets aqidah Islam religion taken from the sure arguments.

    According to syar'i:

    إفراد المعبود بالعبادة مع اعتقاد وحدته والتصديق بها ذاتا وصفات وأفعالا

    Meaning: God who is worshiped, and mengi'adikpada His single accompanied by the recognition and acceptance of the unity of his essence, nature and af'al.

Of the three definitions or definitions mentioned above, it can be concluded that humans are essentially monobid and non-monotheists.

Which belongs to the group of monotheists or believers is:

    The one who has knowledge of monotheism and worshiped his worship of Allah, and in his heart did not justify the existence of God other than God.
    The one who crows his worship to Allah by chance and does not justify the existence of God other than Allah, it's just that he is sinful not to study the science of monotheism

Which belongs to the non-monotheistic or kafir group is:

    The man who has knowledge of Tawheed, but he does not preach his worship to Allah.
    The man of monotheistic knowledge and the worship of his worship to Allah, but in his heart menyesa to God other than God.
    The man of monotheistic knowledge and worship of Allah, but his heart does not recognize that God is the God munakfiq his name.

2. Maudhu / Tauhid Science Goals

The target in the study of tawhid is the essence of Allah, the Essence of the Prophet, the mumkinul wujud and aqidah sam'iyyah.

3. Tsamroh / Results from the Science of Tawheed

The results will be obtained from studying the science of monotheism that we can know God and His revelation accompanied by sure propositions.

And can determine the eternal happiness in the hereafter, because it can be understood that the place of returning all the mu'minin (the monotheists) is heaven, even those who have fought (after the pardon of God or have been sentenced in the afterlife).

And indeed the returning place of the infidels is hell, as already mentioned in the Qur'an letter An-Nisa verse 57:

والذين آمنوا وعملوا الصالحات سندخلهم جنات تجري من تحتها الأنهار خالدين فيها أبدا لهم فيها أزواج مطهرة وندخلهم ظلا ظليلا

Meaning: And those who believe and do good deeds, we shall put them into Paradise in which the rivers flow, their eternity therein, they have in them holy wives, and we put them into the shade Again comfortable.

And the word of God in Surat al-Baqoroh verse 39:

والذين كفروا وكذبوا بآياتنا أولئك أصحاب النار هم فيها خالدون

Meaning: As for the unbelievers and who belie our verses, they will occupy Hell as well as in it is in eternity.

And Sheikh Zaenudin Al Malebary in the book of Syu'bul Iman menadhomkan:

وبأن مرجع مسلم لجنانه ~ وبأن مرجع كافرلجهنم

Meaning: That the place of the return of the Muslims in the Hereafter is heaven, and indeed the return place of the kafirin is hell.

4. Fadlu / Keauhan Ilmu Tawhid

The virtue of the science of monotheism is the noblest of all sciences, because it is related to the essence of Allah and His Messenger.

5. Nisbat / Relationship of Knowledge of Tawheed with Other Science

The science of monotheism is the basis and root of the Islamic religious sciences, while the other is the branch of the science of monotheism.
6. Wadl'i / The Idea
The science of monotheism is principally from the Prophets and the Prophets, based on the revelation of God. It was first compiled and recorded by Abul Hasan Al Ash'ari and his followers and by Abu Manshur Al Ma'thuridy and his followers, called the An-Najiyah, the Ahlussunnah or Asy-syairoh.

7. Al Ismu / Names of Tawheed Sciences

The science of monotheism has several names as follows:
    The Science of Tawheed
    Science Kalam
    Haqiqoh ​​Science
    Science 'Aqoid
    Science Ushuluddin
    Science 'Aqoidul Iman
    Uluhiyah Science
    Ma'rifat Science.

8. Istimdad / Sumber Penghhar Ilmu Tawhid

The basis used by sources in the science of monotheism is the aqly '(guided reason) and naqly (the guidance of the Qur'an and al Hadith).

9. Syar'i Law / Syara's Law View 'on the Science of Tawheed

Syara 'law (Islamic law) obliges with obligatory' ain (individual) to all mukallaf (human and jinn) to study the science of monotheism and monotheism.

Therefore, the goal of the obligation to study the science of monotheism and monotheism is all mukallaf and individual, so even if the infidels (during the healthy mind), will be responsible for the obligation to study the knowledge of tawheed and ketauhidan respectively.

As the word of God in Surat al-Baqoroh verse 21:

يا أيها الناس اعبدوا ربكم الذي خلقكم والذين من قبلكم لعلكم تتقون

Meaning: O mankind, worship your Lord who created you and those before you, so that you are pious.
10. Masail / Problems Contained in the Science of Unity
The problems contained in the science of monotheism are qodliyah, logic and discussion of something that must exist (wajibat), something that is impossible to exist (impossible) and something that may exist and may not exist (jaizat).
The Right Aqeedah For The Layman

If asked, in bertauhid we follow the ideology, manhaj, the way of thinking or which method. The answer is that we follow the two high priests in the aqidah of Imam Abul Hasan Al-Ash'ari and Imam Abu Manshur Al-Maturidi.

Most Indonesians follow Abul Hasan Al-Ash'ari, so his followers are referred to as Al-Ash'ari or Asya'iroh.

Basically in bertauhid we follow the Messenger of Allah, and Imam Abul Hasan Al-Ashari explains the aqeedah of the Prophet easily and plainly.

As in the science of jurisprudence we follow Imam Syafi'i and in the science of seclusion or science tarbiyah we follow the flow of tasawuf, among imam-imam is Imam Ghozali, Sheikh Abdul Qadir Al Jaelani.

  Know by you all the readers, that we should know first what kind of unclean it is.     Unclean from our bodies We need to know to...